Becoming a
pick-up point

We will bring you customers, make sure you are visible, and give you a commission for each package delivered. Join us and become one of the 9,880 pick-up points of Zásilkovna.

Registration of new pick-up point

* Required fields

Czech Republic
  • Czech Republic
  • Slovakia

Pick-up point location

Pick-up point location

Let us know if your business is located near a landmark such as a train station, shopping center, gas station, or hypermarket.
Select the option
  • Yes
  • No
Select the option
  • Yes
  • No

* Required fields


E-mail (required field)

E-mail (required field)

After submitting the form, we will send a summary of the entered information and a link for potential additions or corrections to the provided e-mail.
Photographs (optional)
Opening Hours (optional)

By registering, you acknowledge the data processing policy.