Parcel delivery
to Ukraine
Need to send a package to Ukraine? Let us do it. We will deliver parcels of all sizes to your customers in Ukraine quickly and cheaply. For parcel delivery to Ukraine, we cooperate with proven local carriers.
Our Services
We have our own shipping capacity and we will deliver goods directly to the address of your customers using our Zásilkovna Home Delivery service. Additionally, we cooperate with dozens of European carriers.
A simple solution for sending goods to Ukraine
Delivery to address
We will deliver the parcel directly to your customers in Ukraine in cooperation with proven local carriers. We will send them precise information about the delivery time in advance.
Return logistics
Customer support
Your Ukrainian customers will be able to contact our customer service, our team of advisors will be available for any help or advice.
One connection
As soon as you connect to the Parcel system, you can immediately start using the services of dozens of European carriers. You don't need to sign any contracts with them. We guarantee reliable processes.
Price list for delivery
from the Czech Republic to Ukraine
Prices are valid for delivery from the Czech Republic to Ukraine. Prices do not include VAT.
Further information
Return logistics
Parcels from Ukraine are subject to customs procedures and therefore cannot use a return address in this country in the same way as in EU countries. For information on return logistics processes for parcels from Ukraine, please contact your sales representative or email us at
P. O. boxes
Delivery of parcels to a P.O. box address is not possible.
Goods excluded from shipment
It is not possible to export kratom and similar substances to Ukraine with our partner. There is a risk of confiscation or destruction of goods without compensation.
We are happy to become your partner. Just write to us.
We are happy to become your partner. Just write to us.
Inquire without obligation